Hunny when is teacher appreciation week again? Oh it’s this week. Righhhtt…
So I’m not going to lie. I had something bigger planned for teacher appreciation week, and time just got the best of me. Bugs got sick over the weekend and things just didn’t go to plan.

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I really believe that (most) teachers are saints and I am so thankful for my sons teachers! I could not keep up with 12 kids everyday like they do. I want to show them my appreciation every chance I can!
I knew I wanted to give them a gift card and some flowers. Both of them love sunflowers, but of course when I went to go look for them none of the stores had them. So I settled for some flowers in their favorite color: green.
I got them both Target gift cards, because well I’m at Target about 4 times a week anyway. I’ve decided if you have kids and don’t visit Target multiple times a week it’s a good week!
My plan was to buy mason jars and use those to hold the flowers, but Target had these adorable jars with a chalkboard on them and little apples in the corner! So perfect for the teacher in your life.

You could also buy chalkboard stickers from Amazon and stick them onto mason jars to get the same effect.
I tied some green string around the tops and then was going to tie the gift card onto the string. The gift card looked kind of ridiculous just hanging there though.

So I printed out a gift card holder on some cardstock, cut it out, and slipped the gift card in. You can find these gift card holders in the VIP Library. I think it just adds that little boost when giving a gift card.
These turned out so cute and Bugs’ teachers loved them! Mom win!
What’s Next?
If you like these last minute gift idea, here are some other teacher gifts you might like.
Thank You For Being My Teacher Printable
Glory to God In the Highest Printable

Gift Card Holder Printables -
Thursday 27th of June 2019
[…] some occasions just call for gift cards. Like teacher’s gifts, or if you have to mail a […]