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4 Reasons to Learn How to Sew

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Like all crafts, sewing offers a lot of benefits to all of us who like to practice it often. But sewing is a bit different from all the other crafts at the same time and the reason for that actually lies among those mentioned benefits believe it or not. Simply put, sewing provides you with a couple of very important advantages that can make your life at least a tad more enjoyable.

4 reasons to learn how to sew overlaid on sewing machine

Let’s be real here for a moment, if sewing was something you do just so that you have a warm or refreshing comfortable thing to put over yourself in order not to be naked, then not many people would consider it as their favorite hobby. And don’t think that all those famous fashion designers would exist either.

Obviously, this interesting and useful craft, practice or skill, however you prefer it, is something worth mastering. But why exactly should you waste time on such a thing? Here are four reasons to learn sewing.

1. It keeps your wallet thick longer

yes we are open sign on door

Everyone knows this fact, making your own clothing, accessories, kid toys or anything else saves you quite some pocket money. Yes, it’s true that you’ll have to spend some money first for a new sewing machine but even so, she’ll pay out extremely quickly. Not to mention the impressive affordability of home sewing machines, you can buy one for a surprisingly small fee nowadays.

Anyways, if you start sewing your own clothing, you’ll see just how cheap it actually is. Allow me to make an example. You need a short dress, a casual kind for when you’re free and you want to go outside and meet with your friends. If you went to the store you would’ve spent around $100 for a mostly synthetic one. You could go online and buy enough pure silk to sew a long dress for that amount of cash. It’s true, go check it out if you don’t believe me.

My point is, making your clothes is at least three times cheaper than buying them at the store. If not even cheaper.

2. It can fill your wallet up

woman sewing clothes

Once you improve your sewing skills enough to be called an intermediate seamstress, a door opens up for you. Sewing for customers. But not entire dresses or suits, you need to be very skilled for that. However, minor adjustments and repairs like changing the hemline, changing zippers and buttons or patching up ripped spots are something that an intermediate user can do very decently. These tasks require very little time to be finished which means that you can get relatively plenty of customers. Charge ten bucks for each and you’ll be piling up some nice additional money in no time.

You can use your sewing skills to make unique handmade gifts for friends and family, too!

3. You’ll be wearing unique clothes

woman shirts hanging on a clothing rod

Whether we’re talking about clothing or some small accessories like hats, scarfs or similar, if you sew them by yourself, you can be sure that no one else will be wearing the same thing. I mean, if you copy a model from the store then yes, they’ll wear the same thing but if you create something you came up with, it’s going to be a one of a kind no doubt.

4. Sewing reduces stress

woman looking at teal fabric

I thought this applies only to me but apparently, a study proved this to be true with all who sew. It doesn’t matter what kind of troubles I’ve had during the day and how angry I’ve been, when I sit in front of my beloved sewing machine and start stitching, everything bad slowly fades away from my mind – I truly craft my way to mindfulness.

There you have it, those were the top four reasons to learn sewing. Now there’s only one question left. Is it enough for you to start the journey?